The new game I want to introduce to you is Roll Through the Ages and it's new version The Late Bronze Age. The owner is my friend and my bf loves it so much that he really wants to buy one after his first play. I have played it for many times, most of the times are with my bf. He likes to research for new ways of winning and discuss them with me.
The box is not big, but it's heavy and it's full. It contains 7 dices, players' peg boards, marking peg, and a thick book of scoring sheet. It's simple and mostly wood-made, so many people just made one by themselves.
Players roll dice to obtain commodities and workers to build up their civilizations. Dice can be rerolled twice unless they come up as a hazard. Players use their workers to build infrastructure to support additional works or to build monuments that are worth points. At the same time commodities are gathered which allow your civilization to develop. Once all monuments or five (in new version seven) developments are achieved by a player the game ends at the end of the round, points are counted, and a victor is declared.
We have played it for not many times, but my bf loves it after his first play. He likes to think of new strategies and methods to win. He even borrowed it home and played it alone just to think and try new ideas. I think it's fun, too, but I haven't win many games. I think I'll have to think and pray more. After all, it's a dice game( winning depends mostly in luck).