2009年10月16日 星期五



It took me some time to choose which game to be my first article. I chose PitchCar because I looked through all the pictures on BGG, and it is a game suitable for all ages and board game beginners, though the price isn't, for it's almost all wooden content. I have seen it and played a few laps at 2009 Summer Cool.Con. It was fun, simple and doesn't require much of your intelligence.

As you can see, the game is played by shooting your car using your fingers to flick. The first one who finishes the lap(s) wins. But stay in the track! Or you'll have to start over again.

Not only racing, but also building your own track is a interesting part of the game. The puzzle-like track pieces make set up fun, too. With extensions, you can have more gorgeious tracks, including bridges, straight long tracks and cross roads, etc.

The game requires space because you have to move around the tracks to flick your cars, like billiards. And big tables that matches your track, which means if have bought extensions, you'll need bigger or more tables. I once wanted to buy one but I really don't have the space for playing it.

On the other side, inevitably, due to my habbit, I thought of how many trees are cut. The heavy boxes are filled with almost all wooden content. Sorry for the heavy talk, but thats what I always think of.

I wrote it like an ad.= =

back of the box, with sample of tracks

*all pictures are from BGG, click here for more pictures of PitchCar

