The game I want to introduce today is called Dixit. It was published last year and was soon sold out. It won;t be available until this May. The reason why it is so popular is because of the beautiflul pictures which rarely appears around board games.
Each player at his turn plays the storyteller. He is given a single picture, while the other players get a hand of six pictures.The storyteller says a sentence or a word connected to his picture, then each player chooses one of his pictures to bet upon. All pictures are showed face up, and every player has to bet upon what picture was the storyteller's. If nobody or everybody finds the correct picture, the storyteller scores 0, and each of the other players scores 2. Otherwise the storyteller and whoever found the correct answer scores 3. Players score 1 point for every vote gotten by their own pic. The game ends when the deck is empty. The greatest total wins the game.
The other attraction of this game is the scoring meeples are Rabbits. I think it was first seen and they are so cute!
I have played this game several times, but it turned out not so fun. People say short words and aren't high. I don't know how to make this game funner. I tried to say more things when I was the storyteller, but it was really hard to express my card and to make it funny.